Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Back in Chi-Town

We've dropped at least 50 dollars in tolls on turnpikes and bridges since the East Coast
And yet again we have entered the Windy City in the midst of a storm. Is this a sign? I'm pretty sure that it's not and yet it's uncanny how we've managed to enter the city twice, once from the west and now from the east, amidst heavy rain and severe thunderstorm warnings. And, not surprisingly, a fair amount of traffic coming up the Dan Ryan Expressway on a Saturday night:

Now that we're here, I'm hopping to post a few more excerpts from the book. S'long for now.


  1. Where are those book excerpts you promised?

  2. Thanks for the nudge, Mona. When I'm here in Chicago, with so many family and friends I want to see, my latent ADD kicks in and I end out stumbling from one moment to the next, always spacey and light-headed (or simple-minded), feeling like I should be seeing someone else and never getting anything concrete done. (Of course this could also be fall fever, spring fever's dark cousin, which sometimes makes me feel like an airhead in an autumn breeze, skitting across the sky.) I'm going to endeavor to get out three or four little chunks before we hit the road on Friday or Saturday on the last leg home.
